---------------------- WARNING ------------------------------------------

In the current state the WebGL version is not fully functional. We strongly recommend the Windows or Mac download for the best experience possible.


Explore our first 3D demo of roman Tróia, Portugal.  In this short demo you can explore the models we created in blender and learn about Tróia through interactable points, with info and images. This is an early prototype and currently only available for browser and PC. If any further developments do occur, we will be sure to update this build.  It can be played in English or in Portuguese. Currently only the Portuguese interactions have voice over.

The Salga 2 model was used from a project from a previous student.

Developed by four students at FC - University of Lisbon for the course of Animation and Virtual Environments. It was our first 3D game, so any feedback will be highly appreciated :)

Developed by:

- João Cadete Nunes Godinho (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jo%C3%A3o-godinho-6a01b4217/?locale=en_US)

- João Pedro Correia Lopes (https://www.linkedin.com/in/jo%C3%A3o-lopes-6a170921b/)

- Rui Pedro Fernandes Roque 

- Rui Amador 

Published 7 hours ago
PlatformsHTML5, Windows, macOS
Made withUnity
Tags3D, Historical, portugal, roman, troia, Unity


Troia3D_Windows.zip 303 MB
Troia3D.app.zip 312 MB

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